With fast changing lifestyle,stress at workplace,consumption of junk food diabetes risk is increasing day by day.If one has diabetes, risk of cardio-metabolic disorders could not be ignored.
According to a study conducted by the Research Society for Diabetes in India (RSS-DI) following measures can help in fighting diabetes :
Regular Exercise - 5-km walk,weight reduction and proper diet
Yoga Asana - Like Halasana,Dhanurasana etc.
Methi Powder ( Fenugreek) controls diabetes.
No to polished rice and yes to protein
Patients should use edible oil from MUFA and PUFA equally.
MUFA oils - groundnut,olive,mustard,kanola
PUFA oils - Til (sesame),Ricebran,Sunflower
Also Eat less and eat on time
Eat right
Walk more
Sleep peoperly